Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Break Out Of The Ordinary

by Maya Angelou
(aka David Alan Grier)

The wind. The rain. The fire.

The Butterfinger.

Did the Caveman know your delicious goodness?
Did the Mayan Priest exhalt in your buttery crunchiness?
Did the slothful Mastodon, upon his extinction, declare,
"Don't lay a finger on my Butterfinger?"

Oh, you finger of butter!
You proud confection!
Sugar brown roasted peanuts,
fructose, glucose, sucrose, lactose,
partially hydrogenated palm kernel oil.
Crispity, crunchity, peanut buttery--

I... give... myself... to... you.


Glad mantle of golden chocolatey hope upon my breast.

*Available at SNL Transcripts: http://snltranscripts.jt.org/96/96kangelou1.phtml

Technorati tags: Maya Angelou, Poetry, SNL

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